

An epoch is a time duration in the BABE protocol that is broken into smaller time slots. Each slot has at least one slot leader who has the right to propose a block (1 slot = 1 block time, currently 6s).


1 epoch = 2400 blocks (1 block 6s, 1 session = 1 epoch = 4 hours)

There are cases related to epoch usage:

  • In BABE, all block producers have verifiable random function (VRF) keys that they register with the locked stake. These VRFs produce secret randomness which determines which validator to produce a block. A priori, there is a risk that block producers could grind through VRF keys to bias results, so VRF inputs must include public randomness created only after the VRF key. We, therefore, have epochs in which we create fresh public on-chain randomness by hashing together all the VRF outputs revealed in block creation during the epoch. In this way, we cycle between private but verifiable randomness and collaborative public randomness.

  • Each validator is assigned a weight for an epoch. This epoch is broken up into slots and the validator evaluates its VRF at each slot. For each slot that the validator's VRF output is below its weight, it is allowed to author a block.

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